Getting Rid of Stretch Marks From body
CAN YOU GET RID OF STRETCH MARKS Stretch marks are one of the most common skin problems that affect both men and women. They are often caused by weight gain, pregnancy, or rapid weight loss. So Can you get rid of stretch marks ? Well you can overtime with treatment and natural creams can help visably reduce the signs of stretch marks. Stretch marks can be a tough problem to deal with. They can make you feel self-conscious and uncomfortable in your own skin. Luckily there are some things you can do to help prevent stretch marks from happening or help get rid of them if they already exist. - Drink plenty of water: Drinking more water helps keep your skin hydrated and elastic. - Use cocoa butter: Cocoa butter is a natural remedy for stretch marks that has been used for centuries. It's an excellent moisturizer and it will reduce the appearance of stretch marks over time as well as keep your skin feeling soft. - Apply lotion after showering: Apply lotion after taking a shower to lock ...